Math 5070

Fall 2024

Topics and Skills

Mobius Strip

By the end of the class students should be able to do or explain the following:

  1. Know the basics on using Scilab for computations:
    1. Basic Scilab operations and numerics
    2. Using Hardware Floating Point
    3. Procedures and Passing Information
    4. Basic Scilab Graphics
  2. Numerics of computation
    1. Floating point numbers
    2. Rounding
    3. Machine epsilon
    4. Errors and error analysis
    5. Absolute and relative Error
    6. Condition of a problem
  3. Root finding
    1. IVT and Bisection
    2. Newton's method
    3. Errors is root finding
  4. Linear systems
    1. Gaussian elimination
    2. Other methods for solving linear systems
    3. Condition number of a matrix
  5. Interpolation
    1. Lagrange form
    2. Newton form
    3. Error in polynomial interpolation
    4. Chebyshev polynomials
    5. Splines
  6. Numerical differentiation (approximation)
    1. Numerical formulas and errors
    2. Richardson extrapolation
  7. Numerical integration
    1. Newton-Cotes
    2. Piecewise polynomial interpolants
    3. Gaussian quadrature


Jay Treiman: jay.treiman at