Summer 2024
Western Michigan University
Student Conduct:
Students are responsible for making themselves aware of and understanding the University policies and procedures that pertain to Academic Honesty. These policies include cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse. The academic policies addressing Student Rights and Responsibilities can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog and the Graduate Catalog. If there is reason to believe you have been involved in academic dishonesty, you will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. You will be given the opportunity to review the charge(s) and if you believe you are not responsible, you will have the opportunity for a hearing. You should consult with your instructor if you are uncertain about an issue of academic honesty prior to the submission of an assignment or test.
Students and instructors are responsible for making themselves aware of and abiding by the “Western Michigan University Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking Policy and Procedures” related to prohibited sexual misconduct under Title IX, the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Campus Safe. Under this policy, responsible employees (including instructors) are required to report claims of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator or designee (located in the Office of Institutional Equity). Responsible employees are not confidential resources. For a complete list of resources and more information about the policy.
In addition, students are encouraged to access the Code of Conduct, as well as resources and general academic policies on such issues as diversity, religious observance, and student disabilities:
· · · ·Disability Services for Students
Accommodation for disabilities:
Students with a documented disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who need to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact Disability Services for Students at the beginning of the semester. DSS is located in room 2080 of the Seibert Administration Building. A disability determination must be made by the DSS office before any accommodations are provided by the instructor. For more information, contact DSS (269) 387-2116.
Incomplete grades:
This is a temporary grade, which the instructor may give to a student when illness, necessary absence, or other reasons beyond the control of the student prevent completion of course requirements by the end of the semester or session. The grade of "I" (Incomplete) may not be given as a substitute for a failing grade.
A student has one year from the time the incomplete is given to make up the work and have the grade of "I" replaced. All work to remove the incomplete must be done with the faculty member who assigned the incomplete. The instructor can designate a shorter time than one year if desired. After one year, the incomplete grade will be converted to an E for undergraduate students and an X for graduate students. Students who receive an incomplete grade in a course must not re-register for the course in order to remove the "I."
Jay Treiman: jay.treiman at